Saturday, 6 February 2016


I haven't posted for ages mainly because I really didn't know how to begin and I still don't really but I have to start somewhere so here goes.

January saw my son & his wife separate, breaking up my gorgeous, perfect, little family. It's been so tough on everybody, trying to understand and doing everything we can to be supportive. We love them all so much, it is very hard!

January also was the month that my elderly parents became much older and more fragile.
My dad had a nasty infection in his leg which resulted in us getting the emergency doctor to call on a Sunday night and then, just the other day a possible DVT which thankfully proved to be not the case.
My Mum had a fall after creeping about on the landing at night, in the dark. The little glow night lights we'd put in place had been stowed away in a drawer because my mum said they weren't necessary as she could walk around every room in their house in the dark with no problem!
 "Not on that day Mother!!"
Although she bumped her head on the bannister, no bones thankfully were broken.

Throughout January I can honestly say I wallowed in my own misery. In fact I was happier, in a strange sense of the word to wallow, rather than trying to make a greater effort to pull my socks up and get on with life. 

My concentration levels have taken a battering as well in January, sewing has gone right out of the window and the apron I'm supposed to be making myself has been put away for another time.
I have knitted a sock (not a pair) and even that hasn't been the easiest of tasks. As a skier can run off piste, the knitter in me, ran off pattern. 
I started following the pattern quite well, turned the heel, then carried on looking at the pattern and knitted a completely different pattern that I'd made up in my head. As I was reaching the toe I noticed my huge error and at that point, "to bin, or not to bin!" came to the forefront of my mind. I could have cheerfully dumped the whole lot, yarn, needles and pattern in the dust bin but something in me relented and two evenings later I'd taken it back to the heel and continued, only just finishing it last night.

So February dawned and along with it my birthday and an accompanying rotten cough and fluey thing that nearly everyone else has suffered with this winter.
My husband had booked a day off work so we could go out for the day and I was determined to go.
First stop, to see my grandchildren and daughter in law where they'd laid on a lovely breakfast of croissants and the girls had made me a birthday cake. My son was there too making pancakes for us all.  (As I said before, trying to understand!)
While the children headed off to school, we left them and headed off to Blakeney in Norfolk. I wanted to spend the day somewhere, peaceful and quiet. 

It was lovely and bright as we walked down into Blakeney

We've visited there several times before but have never walked along the coastal path to Cley.

To say it was windy, is a little bit of an understatement. It was very, very, very, windy!

My husband took the photos while we walked and I thought.

I made some February resolutions.

I cleared my head and reignited my energy levels.

I began to actually enjoy myself, fighting against the wind to stay upright.

We walked into the village of Cley, going past the windmill.

A delightful shop there sold very tempting homemade cakes and we shared a norfolk pasty and munched on flapjacks as we left the village behind and walked along the road to get some respite from the wind making our way back to Blakeney and the car.

The walk, the fresh air and in fact the whole day did me the world of good and I'm now looking forward to February being a good month in my calendar. I'm also hoping to get back on track with my knitting. At one point I had told my husband that I felt like giving knitting up completely to which his face became horrified and he enquired. "What about all that wool you've got stored upstairs!!"

Ha ha dearest, do not worry, I'm sure I'll knit it all up eventually and probably buy some more too.


  1. So sorry to hear about your son and DIL splitting.AS long as the children don't suffer you can accept it.Hope you get back on track with your knitting.Barbarax

  2. Sending you hugs ((O)) - sounds like you are coming up and beginning to tread water after a not particularly nice January. It also sounds like your son and DIL are being civil about their separation - it will be hard on the children too. Glad the blustery walk help blow out some miseries and wallowing. As for knitting - knitting is my therapy (even if I have frog back on a regular basis xxx)

  3. Glad to hear your feeling more positive about February. Life sends us challenges from time to time, but you certainly seem to have had more than your fair share recently. Xxx

  4. For once I have no words! Other than I'm glad your feeling better about things now x

  5. SO sorry to hear all your sad news, hopefully some of it may be sorted. I love Blakeney, good choice for a birthday treat. We've not tried the Cley footpath either, one to try another time. Love that deli in Cley and the smokehouse. Hopefully you will feel better soon and get your knitting mojo back. Hugs xx

    1. Highly recommend the walk Sue, if it had been a less blustery day we would have walked further down to the beach at Cley. That's one for next time for us.

  6. Oh you have been having a rough time, I'm not surprised your making mojo took a knock. Hopefully you're back on track now and life's much brighter.

    (I always say if all else fails my yarn stash will make good insulation for the house!)

  7. Hugs my dear , I do know how you feel .it is so very sad . Bravo for unravelling the sock. I'm afraid lately I have been having hissy fits and throwing out yarn simply because life feels rotten at the moment . A year on from My family being torn apart it still hurts but hugs and kisses from my little grandson often reminds me that we are truly blessed .
    Lots of love my dear friend , if u need to talk please feel free to email me

  8. I'm so impressed with you, Jacqueline! To pick yourself up after a miserable January and have the strength to look for joy in the new month. A big big hug.
