These boots, whilst not made for walking, will hopefully keep my feet warm next week when the temperatures are apparently due to plummet.
The gorgeous legs are indeed mine. I did say to Michael when he was taking the photo for me this morning that I only wanted a picture of the slipper boots, not my legs. The photo turned out to be more of my legs and less of the slippers, so after much cropping and enhancing this was the best that I could manage.
I was a little disappointed that my writing smudged on the very last letter but overall I'm really pleased with the slippers and very glad that I knitted the children's size and not the adults!!!!
Also yesterday I've purchased/ordered the wool that I need to make the blanket for our bed as I mentioned in my last post. I'm looking forward to getting started on that. 49 x 10" squares to knit and then my worst nightmare 49 x 10" squares to sew together. It'll be a breeze?
My kitchen saga continues, it just seems to get worse and worse. Tomorrow I have a man coming to scrabble my kitchen floor with some sort of machinery which I've got a feeling is going to make a hell of a mess. Although the insurance company have said that they will cover my new cooker, other appliances and seal my new cupboards, we have been advised that it might be best to empty them.
What a lovely job for a Sunday afternoon?
I'm just really hoping that once this is done tomorrow, the floor will be able to dry out and the process of restoring the kitchen can go ahead. Fingers crossed!