Monday, 6 April 2015


I hope however you have spent your Easter you have had an enjoyable time. 

We were able to spend a lovely day on Friday with our family, quite a lot of time in the garden and yesterday we had a very long walk along the coastal path by Felixstowe ferry.

The tide was in as we set off and the sun had just broken through the cloudy skies.
We saw lots of very much loved boats, all shapes and sizes

and some that others had fallen out of love with.

As we walked along the well trodden and used path we had beautiful views of the river Deben on one side

and plenty of green open fields on the other.

We did walk quite a way but no where near the 14 miles or so we would have had to have done to reach Woodbridge. With our tummies beginning to rumble we headed back to the Ferry cafe and sat outside eating fish and chips.

At the start of our walk I noticed this abandoned windsurfer and questioned why it had been left attached to this buoy.
However on our return it was quite obvious why it was there.
As the sun shone down it became a resting place for seagulls wishing to do a spot of sunbathing!

We really enjoyed our day out and will definitely go back to walk a little further along that path. There's a lovely little village called Waldringfield en route to Woodbridge and a nice pub down by the river to have lunch.
That's another day planned in the calendar!


  1. Happy Easter to you too. Looks like you had a perfect day for your walk.

  2. What a great location for a walk x

  3. I love the idea that the seagulls are sun worshippers. Your photos are stunning. Looks to me that you had a very happy day
