Wednesday, 3 March 2010


February may well be the shortest month of the year but in our house particularly I don't think it actually existed on my calendar for 2010.
28 days that ticked themselves magically away, starting at the beginning with my birthday, midway with Roger's funeral and then finishing with the departure from our house of our daughter and her partner when they finally moved into their new home.
Since Christmas the four of us had lived quite harmoniously under the one roof, despite the chaos and clutter that surrounded us. When they finally took the last of their belongings and I stood in what was their bedroom I felt sad, quite gut wrenching.
However, by the time I'd put a new cover on the mattress, [I had to do that to cover up the stain from the smashed whole bottle of red wine incident], I felt much much better.
So that was February.
Hopefully March will be at a slower pace and I will have some interesting topics to write about, I might even have finished knitting my sock!


  1. Jack & Lisa still here! Supposed to be going any day, but i have been hearing that for 2 weeks. They are now waiting for their mastic to dry. Laurent has also split up with Abi and moved home.

  2. I've spent much of February travelling back and forth to visit my Mum. 2010 is not going down as one of my favourite years and we've only got into the begining of the third month! Only nine more to go, boy I sound really negative.
