Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Usually my Wednesday's are spent looking after my grandchildren while their mum goes to work and I was especially looking forward to today. Now that Charlotte is at school I only spend a small part of the day with her, so as it's half term I planned to take both Charlotte & Jessica on a special treat. Swimming this morning and then lunch either at the country club or Tiptree jam restaurant.
However, when they arrived this morning, both of them looked tired and under the weather. They laid on the settee for quite some time either watching the tv or looking through the window at the rain. Swimming was definitely out of the question and as both had no appetite, the lunchtime treat, followed suit.
Eventually Charlotte felt a little better and amused herself on the computer. She coloured in this butterfly and printed it herself.

and then she printed these for Jessica to colour.

After a lunch of baked beans on toast which to my suprise both of them eat, Jessica had a sleep for a couple of hours and between us Charlotte and I made this pompom out of some left over sock wool.

Then we tried some baking, a whisked sponge. I think the last time I made one of these I was about 12years old. I remember the time quite well because it didn't turn out quite right!!

Fortunately today, it did!

Charlotte and Jessica were able to take the swiss roll home for tea. Meanwhile I'm now off to the kitchen to clear up our mess. Today, was great after all!


  1. A special day in the end. What a great computer programme.

  2. What a great day you had,children are wonderful and you are a supergran

  3. What a lovely day, hope your having a quiet day today. The Swiss roll looks great, what with the Christmas cake Charlotte will be appearing on Masterschef by the time she's 7. You can certainly guarantee that they don't get bored coming to spend the day with Granny.
