The weather forecast was rain, rain all day!
But, could we disappoint two little girls and a baby in a pushchair and cancel our planned day out, to find the Gruffalo?
Oh no!
We packed the car with our waterproofs, picnic and children and defying all weather conditions we set off to Thorndon country park.
Fortunately the weather people got it wrong, it may have rained hard before we got there but the rain stayed away for the rest of the day.
There are lots of fallen trees to climb up and walk along!
Then after our picnic lunch we set off again in search of the Gruffalo!
Were we going in the right direction?
Oh yes, there he is!
We also found quite a lot of muddy puddles on our way!
It was a great fun day!
As you may know I do seem to be drawn to bright colours at the moment. However, oh my word, I think I'm pushing my own barriers with this choice of sock yarn.
As I'm knitting it up it just seems to be getting brighter and bolder. I do feel even the sun will have to wear it's "shades" when I venture out walking with these poking out of the top of my walking boots!
Hopefully they'll be finished in the week.
I'd like to thank everyone for your lovely comments for my mum and my last post, they're much appreciated.