Saturday, 23 February 2013


Before I ramble on about the delights of my knitting antics this week, I feel I must tell you about this funny thing that happened yesterday.

As our central heating has been caput for a couple of days, yesterday we had a visit from British Gas. Once the boiler was fixed and while we waited for some warmth to return to our home three of us, that's Michael, myself and Sciatica went into town for lunch. Yes, after living with Sciatica for some weeks now, she does appear to like being attached to my side.
Anyway, moving on with the story. Michael and I, arm in arm slowly ambled along the high street but soon had to come to a halt as he decided he had to check something on his phone. As I was now standing solo  I took this opportunity to do some light leg stretching and toe twiddling.
Suddenly on my left I was distracted by a woman who brushed past me with a purpose to her stride wearing a thick coat, a big hat with flappy ears and swinging an enormous shopping bag.  To be honest I probably wouldn't have noticed her except that she was the rabbit that lured my husband off at a trot and before I could even make the decision of which of my feet I should move first, they had disappeared shoulder to shoulder down the high street.
Oh did I laugh, because I knew what was going to happen next!
Just as they passed WH Smith, the poor lady obviously realised that she needed to go in there, slammed on her breaks and turned to retrace her steps. This in turn brought Michael to an abrupt halt and he also turned in the opposite direction so now instead of shoulder to shoulder they were face to face!
His, was a picture as he mumbled something along the lines of, I thought you were my wife, her's was of just utter shock. Poor woman!!
What did I think?  I was rather pleased he didn't try to grab hold of her hand, could have been an issue!
And what did I do next?  In the words of TXT terminology, LOL of course!!!

Back now to my knitting of the week, I have just finished these very thick socks for Charlotte, ideal I hope to keep her feet warm when she's out in her wellies.

I've already got another sock on my needles ready for Jessica in the same yarn, Drops Big Delight.
Hopefully, I'll get the pair finished in a few days.

PS. A little foot note.
Only today am I beginning to believe that Sciatica and I after four weeks have had enough of each other. Today, for the first time I've been able to experience some pain free time.
Fingers crossed!!

1 comment:

  1. Well that made me LOL! Very cheerful socks I'm sure they will be very much appreciated. I hope your right about the sciatica, when my back went in 2011 it stayed that way for 8 weeks. A cheerful thought for the day!!!!! So forget painkillers reach for the red wine I say.
